Involve Her to Transform Africa!

Promoting Women's Active Participation &Real-time Empowerment to Drive Sustainable Development & Regional Transformation.

The Agenda 2063 represents a united vision for inclusive, sustainable and citizen-driven regional transformation in the African continent. Regional transformation requires shifts in policies, institutions, infrastructure, and socio-economic systems that lead to notable advancements and improvements within the region.

Gender equality and empowerment are fundamental drivers of regional transformation, fostering socio- economic development, stability, and progress. By ensuring equal opportunities for all genders, societies harness the full potential of their human capital, leading to enhanced productivity and innovation. The focus of global efforts are aimed at addressing systemic barriers and stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality, while promoting policies, initiatives and solutions that empower women and girls, as well as promote gender diversity and inclusion.

The global imperative for inclusive development outlined by entities and intergovernmental bodies of the United Nations dedicated to promoting empowerment and equity for women and girls, such as UN Women and the Commission on the Status of Women entails accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.

PanHerfrican is positioned as a catalytic pathway towards the realization of transformative and sustainable development in Africa with a prioritized focus on addressing gender disparities that entrench a cycle of socioeconomic inequalities. By promoting gender equality and empowerment, regions can unlock a wealth of talent and creativity, paving the way for deep, systemic, and sustainable change and a brighter future for all.

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